Want to have direction, purpose, gladness, and a life filled with music? This is your lucky day because you are about to see what the Creator of this universe, the One who designed it, has to say about it. This has always been one of my favorite passages. It’s instructions are so practical. Here you go - here’s how to get the most out of your numbered days.
Here is a simple outline of these verses: Know what the rules are for life - what God has laid out, know there is a limited time to get the most out of this life, and know how to get the most out of this life.
Here is a simple outline of these verses: Know what the rules are for life - what God has laid out, know there is a limited time to get the most out of this life, and know how to get the most out of this life.
Verses 15-16 kicks this off by instructing us to walk wisely. Quite simply, there are two ways to live: wise and unwise. Another way to say it is to “be careful how you live.” Paul’s warning is to consider how you live and not to skid by.
“Wise” means skillful and discerning. That’s how we are to live, skillfully. There are no excuses for a lack of this wisdom or skill. This is not that wisdom that only comes from grey hair and the passing of time. Yes, we do grow in wisdom with each year that goes by, but there is enough wisdom imparted already that we are both responsible and capable of living wisely.
To live wisely, you need to know the rules for life that God has given. Remember, God does not give us requirements without also giving us the means and knowledge to accomplishing it.
Verse 16 helps define wise living. I love the phrase “redeeming the time.” It means wise living involves applying wisdom to make the most of every opportunity. Opportunity, or time, is the Greek word kairos. It does not mean time only, as in a clock ticking. It refers to your time, you as an individual. You have a certain amount of time that God has given you. That time is numbered. That’s why 1 Peter 1:17 says to pass “your” time with a deep consciousness of God. Paul is saying you have a time that has been assigned by God, numbered by God, so live it wisely; make the most of it.
So you can’t just flip flop around in life. This is all you get on this side of heaven, so live it wisely, make it count, and leave something behind. Do you see it? Right now is your opportunity. You do not have yesterday and you may not have tomorrow. Today is your day!
One last word about time, implied by this passage, is that one of your greatest acts of foolishness is wasting the time you have been giving.
Verse 17 begins with the word “therefore.” This conjunction means based on what was previously said, here’s how you do it, here’s how you live wisely.
First, understand God’s will and conduct your life by it. This is not impulsive actions, but reflective - based on the discerned will of God. Is it intimidating to hear Paul say you are to know God’s will? God’s will is so often confusing it seems. How can we know for sure God’s will?
It has been said that His will has been summed up in Ephesians 1:9-10. There you see the overall will of God - which is a continual unity of all believers. One day this will reach its fulfillment.
Verse 18 will help us. Verse 17 says to know what God’s will is. So verse 18 adds to this by saying to know God’s will, you must be filled with the spirit. Let’s unpack this.
Paul provides an explanation by giving us a cause and effect picture: drunk with wine leads to debauchery. What the heck is debauchery? It means to cheapen your life and to ruin your life. The cause is getting drunk. The effect is turning over control to alchohol.
OK, I know this is one of those touchy subjects with Christians - drinking alcohol. I’ll not take on that subject here. But what I will say is that getting drunk is wrong. It is a sin in the bible. God does not approve. Follow Paul’s train of thought....
“Instead, be filled with the spirit.” When too much wine fills you, it also controls you and leads to disorder and moral compromise. When the Spirit fills you, it leads to gladness and joy, as seen in verses 19-20. The contrast between drunk with wine and filled with the Spirit is the idea of control. You will be controlled by something, everyone is. We are commanded to be controlled by the Holy Spirit. And when you are, He will direct in line with God’s will.
Now verses 19-20 expand on being filled with the Spirit. Where being drunk leads to disorder and out of control, Spirit led opens up the heart and life to joy and gladness and music and meaning. Isn’t that what everyone says they want? What they are looking for? So many have fallen for substitutes. The problem with subs is that they are always temporary. You’ll have to find another one eventually. But this is the real thing. When controlled by the Holy Spirit, it leads to lasting and genuine joy.
When you tap into the real thing, guess what happens next? Singing! That’s right, crazy, joyful, uninhibited singing. Read it verses 19-20. It’s the kind of singing that makes you not care what the car next to you is thinking.
By the way, music plays a huge role in our walk with Christ. This verse uses words like psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs. I know, sounds boring. I must admit that I like Psalms and hymns to an extent, but I prefer spiritual songs. I define spiritual songs as those not in the categories of Psalms and hymns, but still have a spiritual meaning.
Isn’t it true that music can set just about any mood? There have been numerous studies done to prove this. That’s why department stores play “buying” music/ That’s right, music that puts you in the mood to buy. There is also music that puts you in the mood to rebel or drink, or jump off a building (haha). Spiritual songs put you in a mood to praise God and give Him thanks. It promotes a joyful, soulful kind of gladness.
So, live wisely during your numbered days, by knowing God’s will, being filled with the spirit, and living a life that makes you want to sing and laugh and live!
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