Far too long the church has been made up of sissies. This is the one group that it seems ok to push around, make-fun-of, and dismiss. This is not to be an army of weak, wimpy Christians.
The command from verse 10 is to be “strong” in the Lord. The word “strong” literally means to be clothed in strength (dunamis). This word is the one from which we get our word dynamite. Does that give you a clue?
This is written in the present tense which means to be continually strengthened - ongoing. It is also written in the passive which means though you are to be continually strengthened, you cannot do it your self. It is the kind of strength you must rely on another to possess. Yet, you are commanded to have it.
The same verse then gives us the word “power.” This is the Greek word kratos. It denotes strength and might and control and power. Again, it is a power we do not possess in ourselves. It is a borrowed power or a transferred power.
Ok sissy Christians, get a feel for what Paul wants to say by grasping the three macho words in this one verse: strength, power, and might. These are battle words; they are Marine types of words. If you get the idea there is some kind of battle for which Christians are to be prepared, then you are correct.
Did you hear about the WWII soldiers who were still bunkered down years after the war was over? They hadn’t heard they were no longer at war. Just the opposite is true for so many Christians, they haven’t heard there is a war in full rage. Here’s what you can mark down, if you do not know you are in the midst of an all out battle, then you are seriously getting your butt kicked and do not even know it. You are losing!
Let’s keep going with the passage. Verse 11 says to put on the whole Armor of God. This is the process of getting spiritually dressed. Just because you are a Christian does not mean you are automatically clothed with spiritual armor. The opposite is true. Also notice there are no pieces for the rear, only the front. Christians are not to be sissies who are running away. This is a full force ahead endeavor.
The reason for the armor is made very clear at the end of verse 11. It is the schemes of the devil. Did you know the devil has schemes? Did you know these schemes are designed specifically for you? Did you know that all of your weaknesses, either picked up or passed down from family, are considered in Satan’s schemes? Satan has designed schemes just for you and the end goal is to trip you in your Christian walk and cause you to fall and take others with you.
Verse 12 may be the most difficult to swallow of all. It clearly states that our battle is not with flesh and blood. Do you believe that? Stop it because you don’t. Neither do I most of the time. I’ll prove it to you. Then why do you get into arguments with your spouse or kids if your battle is not with flesh and blood?
Our true battle happens in the spiritual realm. Paul is very clear our everyday battle is with demons. Ok, don’t freak out. But neither do I want you to misunderstand me. I did not say we battle Satan. I said demons. Satan can be only one place at one time; Satan is not omnipresent. Most of us have never even come across Satan. If he, let’s say, in Iraq, then he is not here.
Consider these words in verse 12: rulers, authorities, powers, forces. What do you notice about each of these? It is that they are all plural. That can’t be Satan, he is not plural. He certainly is the general overseeing this war. But day-to-day encounters are carried out by his demonic forces. Specifically, these are references to a demonic hierarchy in the spiritual realm. This is where our battle takes place. No wonder so many live defeated lives, they do not even know who the enemy is. Imagine going out to battle and not have the enemy identified. What are your prospects of winning that? Slim.
“Therefore”, which is how verse 13 begins, “put on the whole armor of God.” That’s Paul’s answer. Based o the fact that we are in a spiritual battle with demonic forces, put on the armor.
Let me quickly identify the purpose of each piece of armor. The Helmet of Salvation protects your mind and thinking. The Breast Plate of Righteousness protects your heart which is the seat of your emotions. It is to protect you emotionally. The Belt of Truth is to remind us of the truth - who we are in Christ. The Scandals of Peace refer to walking in peace as peacemakers where ever we go. The Shield of Faith is our faith in Jesus and His faith which we stand behind to protect us from the fiery darts of the enemy. Finally, there is the Sword of the Spirit which is the Word of God. We use the Word of God in a defensive manner by throwing scripture back at temptation. Also, it is an offensive weapon which we use to lead others to Christ.
Here is our war. Here are the enemies. You can’t see them, but they are there. You do not have to succumb to their strategies. You are expected to live in victory. Your keys to success are clearly set before you in this marvelous passage.